What is a Moonbeam?
The Salvation Army Moonbeam program is a holistic Christian Education experience for girls and boys in pre-k and kindergarten.
In a safe environment for learning, developing, and caring that is age-appropriate and Christ-centered.
What are the goals of the Moonbeam program?
The goal of the Moonbeam program is to help boys and girls to develop:
Positive social and communication habits
Artistic flare and giftedness
Through a Biblical worldview by encouraging:
Christian values and Biblical principles
Physical, mental, spiritual, and social development

To become a Moonbeam a child must:
Be four or five years old. (Six years old if still in kindergarten).
Attend four consecutive troop meetings.
Learn the Moonbeam Pledge, Motto, and Prayer.
Moonbeam Pledge
I promise that I will try
To love God,
to help everyone
And to always do my best
Moonbeam Motto
“Do your best!”
Moonbeam Prayer
“Help us to do the things we should,
to be to others kind and good,
in all we do at work or play,
to grow more like Jesus every day.”